.. ………we
to be honest
….with ourselves.
a matter of choice….
….a day of beginning!
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Vietnam era workers,
and a basement…laid off, sold off,401k gone….Buick in the drive,repossessed!foreclosure packing,Kent State and Nixon,Reagon’s America….financial moral collapse.the smell of napalm lingersin houses left empty!
he said he needed
the image of a cheapbottle of wine drippedfrom his eyes…i gave hime the money,and a couple of smokes.time has a way of bringing,even from the grave!
only if your lips bleed
and your hand tremblesjust a bit.if your eyes becomewet with longing…and your heart pounds,like waves against the shore.if the wind in your hairbuilds a nest,for the mockingbirdto hatch her young…and if the truth fallslike a single bead of sweat…only then,will we speak of love!
whether you’re Christian,Buddhist, Hindu, Moslem,or atheist by choice…we are all born human!with the potential to be…fully human!we have choices everyday….what we do with our time,our will, our feelings, our actions…determines what we really are…it doesnt matter so much about labels…what matters is what’s inside!
we, who are stoned by the struggle,
whose hands tremble a littleas we unbutton the shirt…whose eyes dim still see.whose bodies smell like bodies,whose feet need to be washed.whose hearts whisper in the empty night,whose souls restless roam the earth.whose dreams have become the small things,whose breath smells of brandy and smoke.whose doors are unlocked,whose beds are offered…we, who are drunk with…
all the great wars
are just mere shellsof the battle within…what we lash out atis what we dont understandin our own hearts.what we have to understand isthat burning the housedoesnt cleanse the home!what we must liberateis merely our own self…then, and only then,freedom will reign!