The migrant redwing thrushes were back on wintering ground
And the weather at it’s coldest when the redwings are around
The pond had icy fringes and snow was on the hill
When last i saw the redwings the memory with me still
Perched on evergreen holly i watched them as they fed
On tree laden with berries with berries ripe and red.
I too am like the redwing and i live far away
Though redwing on his wintering ground has much a shorter stay
When Spring come to the homeland the migrant thrush take wing
To heed the call of Nature build nest, raise young and sing.
And i too like the redwing may go home for the May
When fields are flushed with wildflowers and birds pipe all the day
Though many years have come and gone and many Springs gone by
Since last i heard the skylark pipe in the homeland sky.
The pond had icy fringes and snow was on the hill
When last i saw the redwings the memory with me still
And i too like the redwings from homeland far away
Though redwing on his wintering ground has much a shorter stay.

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