And we will sing Rob Burns song ‘For Sake Of Auld Lang Syne’
And give John another glass of beer and Kate a glass of wine.
It’s coming up to twelve o clock let none feel out of place
And with that stranger by your side go shake hands and embrace
And wish him a happy New Year may his New Year be great
This is the best night of the year feel free to celebrate.
We’ll bid farewell to the old year to old year say goodbye
And drink a toast to the new one with profound sense of joy
And don’t be shy go loose your tongue and let your laughter ring
And sing again for ‘Auld Lang Syne’ and sing and dance and sing.
Eleven thirty new year’s eve one half an hour to go
And old year breathes his very last and new year fanfare blow
And people happy for this hour and laughter all around
Old cares and worries now forgot and happiness abound.
It’s twelve o clock new year is born a moment of sheer bliss
For twelve long months we’ve waited for moment such as this,
The people dancing on the street the band play Auld Lang Syne
Give Johnny there another drink, give Kate a glass of wine.

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