Perhaps if John did not always feel so serious
He may well still be living with his estranged wife
For Linda told her friends she found him boring
Her disappointment in him she can’t hide
She left him after twenty years of marriage
The gulf between them it had grown too wide.
He does not drink or smoke or chat up women
Yet Linda his wife with him did not stay
She says who needs a perfect boring husband
I’d prefer one with humour any day.
I stayed with him on account of our children
But now i ask myself was it worth while?
For the first few years he did show bits of humour
But his face would crack now if he had to smile.
Linda doesn’t need john her perfect boring ex husband
So very far apart from him she’s grown
‘She says’ he’s one i could not share a joke with
And i’m better by far living on my own.
So there you have it John the perfect husband
Is seen as boring by his estranged wife
And there’s a simple lesson in this story
If you can’t laugh then you can’t enjoy life.

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