And merry songbirds singing wattlebirds and magpie
And mynas and the blackbirds and bellbirds tinkling joy.
On green reeds on the lake side the little warbler sing
His song of mid December has such a pleasant ring
Then he flit above the water and snatch a dragon fly
In movement almost too quick to be caught by human eye.
A black duck with her childer i count them one two three
And dusky moorhen swimming out with her family
Five tiny baby moorhens like tiny feathered balls
And they’d almost go un-noticed save for their squeaky calls.
On gum tree branch male eastern rosella is chirping merrily
As beautiful a wild bird as one might wish to see
He’s got all the brilliant colours the pink and green and gold
One of Australia’s fairest and lovely to behold.
From sun browned bank of birdslake a woman and her child
Feed bits of bread to feral geese who now live free and wild
And willy wagtail on fence post his tail switch to and fro
And he is such a wise bird where flies are willy know
The red browed finches chirping and tiny blue wren call
Australia’s tiniest songsters and beautiful is small
December in Birds Paddock eight days from Christmas Day
Sun shine and songbirds piping and life with me okay.

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