The man is gone but the house and land remain
And in death we lose the things in life we gain.
His son they tell me own the property
But he is one I seldom ever see
And when I do he’s in his big merc car
And he is wealthy and money takes one far.
The hidden language on the gate sign say
‘Stranger not welcome and stranger keep away’
And the hidden language in the sign I see
‘Don’t venture in this land belong to me’.
The sign upon his gateway says it all
The world around is big the man is small
And despite his wealth to freedom he is blind
He’s one of those there’s many of his kind.
I pity him he has my sympathy
The man despite his wealth not really free
The sign upon his gateway only show
That as a person he has failed to grow.
The old owner I have not seen of late
But the sign remain upon the entrance gate
In bold red letters ‘Private Property’
And the hidden meaning in it I can see.

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