And though I look for decay, decay I can’t see
And she still looks quite beautiful to me.
She say her husband is uncouth and rough
And that life with him for her is trying and tough
And that he hurt her feelings with the things he say
But what right has he to hurt her anyway? .
She say her son has a mental disease
And that from him she doesn’t get one moment’s ease
A disturbed son and to callous man a wife
Some women never know the easy life.
She say the years of her looks have taken toll
And that she look like a withered ageing soul
But the wrinkles that years bring she does not hide
And she go out of middle life in pride.
She say and I believe her when she say
That she looked lovely on her youthful day
And that men and years have stolen her looks away
But still I look and I can’t see decay.

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