He was a man who had a lot of wisdom
And about him there was so much to admire.
He came from Nadd near Banteer I remember
Before coming to live with his wife Chris and her sister in
But life for him must have been very lonely
Since the woman that he married passed away.
At Station dances Laurence played the accordion
As the men and women danced around the floor
It’s sad to think that he is gone forever
And that he won’t be seen in Liscreagh any more.
He never had a yearning for the limelight
An honest person he was free of guile
I never knew him out of sorts or surly
And Laurence never found it hard to smile.
It’s sad to think that when I return to Ireland
That Laurence Kelleher is one that I won’t meet
He will be sadly missed by all who knew him
In that old countryside around Millstreet.
But why feel sad for such a decent person
When in life he never did to others wrong
He made the World better by living in it
So why not celebrate him in a song.
I heard about the tragic death of Laurence
And I hope his end was not painful and slow
He was a virtuous and good living person
And a man that I felt privileged to know.

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