I have little interest in war history nor who win or lose don’t care
And Waterloo seems long gone now and as for me I was not there.
When I told Bill of the Grand Final and of how Brisbane won the day
He said that game in September and who did Brisbane play?
And when I told him Essendon he smiled saying is that so
I was not there and of football there is little I know.
When I talked to Bill of the Olympics and of Cathy Freeman’s
great run for gold
He said I’ve heard it all before that story now seems old
Good luck to her although her success did not benefit me
I was not there and did not even watch it on T.V.
When you talk to Bill about the great moments in human history
He’ll say in talking of what’s been and gone the point I cannot see
The success and achievements of others my problems won’t repair
And those who know him know him as ‘The man who was not there’.

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