magpie sing
And the gang gang cockies calling their voice sound
Like squeaking door
You could never once mistake them if you heard them once before.
Here you can get mineral water through spout direct from the ground
But many of such springs near Daylesford of such many to be found
But Tipperary springs is special it affords you peace and quiet
And all you hear are wild birds carolling in the cool before the night.
Through Tipperary springs the dark creek in and out the woodland flow
By the timber bridge a dark pool and on from there it trickles slow
Wallabies come in the gloaming after hot day they feel dry
And when they’ve drunk their fill you hear them through the thick scrub bouncing by.
Named after an Irish County yet few locals care or know
About the County of Tipperary names are names they tell you so
In the County of Tipperary hurling the game many play
But mention hurling around Daylesford what you on about they say? .
Named after an Irish County more than half a World away
To Tipperary springs near Daylesford I’ll return another day
By the dark creek near the spring wells in the cool shade of the trees
Listening to the wild birds singing in the freshening evening breeze.

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