He said my name is not Ad please call me by my proper name
And to call him Ad just one more time I don’t think I’d feel game.
He sometimes can be humorous when he feels in the mood
But when things are not going his way in silence he then brood
When he is in a downcast mood from him you keep away
For if you cross him when he’s down you might have hell to pay.
At time he hits the bottle hard though you can’t call that a crime
And he oft drink in Hallam Hotel right up till closing time
And then he goes without a beer for a week or even two
For one who does the session hard some credit he is due.
There’s many sides to Adam his moods just come and go
But he is quite a character and worse than him I know
Still he likes to be called Adam and dare you call him Ad
As I called him Ad once by mistake and he frowned and took it bad.

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