In Macroom, Carriganimma, Millstreet and Knocknagree
And Kanturk, Kiskeam, Cullen and Boherbue.
In pubs in Rockchapel, Newmarket and Banteer
Mick Patsy often drank a stout or beer
And even to people he did not seem to know
The genial Mick would smile and say hello.
But for his health he never seemed to care
And he was looking far the worst for wear
And one night he failed to make it home to bed
His body found in drain I heard it said.
A generous man he had a heart of gold
But he did not live to be too very old
And if the story of his life in book were told
Perhaps a million copies might be sold.
Through the Muskery and Duhallow country side
Mick Patsy he was loved both far and wide
And though he was his own worst enemy
I doubt there was a kinder man than he.

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