For it could be worse you could be in a wheelchair as if you had karma to pay
And you to help out other people have often gone out of your way.
His words to you don’t sound consoling and he doesn’t give you much sympathy
But if he had to suffer like you do he might not say it was
meant to be
He might not say that things could be far worse and unlike you he might complain
How can you know how one is feeling when you’ve never been through their pain.
He’s not been through the trauma of a car smash and he’s never had broken bones
And he’s never known the aches of bad injuries the aches that give rise to the groans
You’ve got to know the pain yourself first before you can give sympathy
And only one who himself has not suffered can say that it was meant to be.
You’ve gone out of your way to help others and you always do the best you can
And those who know you they tell others that you are a good and kind man
But with both your legs broken in a car smash one of your friends doesn’t offer much sympathy
When he says to you things could be far worse and don’t worry it was meant to be.

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