But doggerelising I can’t stop for me it’s an addiction
Still I could be hooked on heroin ‘twould be a worse affliction.
There will be doggerelists when I’m gone as there have been before me
And the literary critics I need not fear since they’ve chosen to ignore me
And they’ve never even heard of me which I don’t find surprising
And only worthy writers are worthy of criticizing.
I hope this urge in me to write it never will forsake me
And that I’ll be writing doggerel till the grim reaper take me
So many brave young men in wars in trenches have died fighting
But I’d rather a less glorious death at my desk a doggerel writing.
I’ve never been much good at sports or been a man of action
But every doggerel I write gives me great satisfaction
I am just an old fashioned bloke and I lack in charm and passion
And a doggerelist for many years and seen as out of fashion.

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