My losers many and my winners few
And I cut my losses what else might I do? .
In greyhound World I never knew renown
The dogs I could not sell I had put down
My fastest dogs were only second grade
One ought to learn from mistakes he has made.
But now I have a sadder tale to tell
For years I have been writing doggerel
I once had visions I might be a poet
But doggerel the only thing I’ve wrote.
Those who know best the poetry critics say
That poets use words in every different way
And that poets are born and that poets are never made
And that one can never learn the wordsmith trade.
For years I have been writing doggerel rhyme
And most may see that as a waste of time
Still I don’t feel unhappy none the less
And why worry if I never knew success.
And since doggerel is all I’ve ever wrote
I never could lay claim to be a poet
But to be a poet at least I had a try
And things of beauty I too can enjoy.
And I feel joy when pretty things I see
Like pink flowers on the green camellia tree
And eastern rosella chirping in sunlight
A thing of beauty makes a pleasant sight.
And pleasant memories with me long remain
Like scent of blooming roses after rain
Or song of shrike thrush in the early Spring
The bird has flown ‘I still can hear her sing’.
I once had greyhounds many years ago
And I grew poorer as my dogs ran slow
But now I have a sadder tale to tell
For years I have been writing doggerel.

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