And kookaburra family cackling nearby they call perhaps to proclaim territory
And from quiet old Harmers Haven Village at high tide one can hear the rumblings of the sea.
The lucky people who live there will tell you that lucky lady luck did them embrace
They could not live outside of Harmers Haven and to them it is a very special place
The jewel in the crown of South West Gippsland at least that’s what the Harmers Haven people say
From that old peaceful Village by the ocean the gates of Heaven can’t be far away.
A pretty place untouched by man’s pollution no factory chimney billowing black smoke to the sky,
Could I afford to I would buy a house there and live happy there until the day I die
Amongst the cosy lap of Mother Nature the chats in the paddock are chirping nearby
And grey shrike thrush and butcherbird are singing and welcome swallows twitter as they fly.
Were I a poet I’d sing of Harmers Haven perhaps the jewel in South West Gippsland’s crown
The Village just a short walk from the ocean five to six miles from old Wonthaggi Town
It is a place of peace and natural beauty where people with Nature live in harmony
Where the predominant voice belongs to Mother Nature, the songs of birds and the rumblings of the sea.

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