On Planet Earth of course there is Utopia but that is only for the privileged few
And like they say money speaks every language and in these times those words ring oh so true.
It should not be that in Third World Countries people should have to work for pittance pay
For to benefit the wealthy and the famous in Countries from where they live far away
In a fair World this would never happen and not one person would know of poverty
The gap between the rich and poor keeps widening at least that’s how it would appear to me.
It should not be because of political disputes that some poor people have to live in fear
They cannot flee they have no place to flee to and news of war the only news they hear
In wars the wealthy never seem to suffer in a fair World this would never be
And in a fair World war would never take place and we would enjoy peace and harmony.
It should not be that people who are different should be seen as inferior in some way
It would not take an Einstein for to make out that discrimination is alive and well today,
In a fair World everyone would be equal and people would not know of poverty
But I can only change myself not others and I can only say it should not be.

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