You are below average and your slipshod rhymes bad
And for people like you mate I feel a bit sad.
You only write doggerel you’ll never be a poet
And people like you mate not worthy of note
I do like good poetry though good poets are few
And many write doggerel far better than you.
On war, religion and politics and war refugees
Old Eddy and I we have different ideas
He seems rather fond of Howard and Bush and Blair
And so little in common we do seem to share.
He believes all of the propaganda that he hear
And old Eddy is some one who is driven by fear
He says all boat refugees should be directed elsewhere
They are not our problem and for them why should we care?
Our views very different and on few things we agree
And when he says I pen doggerel his words do hurt me
And the truth can be hurtful as I know too well
But he’s not been the first to tell me I only pen doggerel.
Old Eddy says I only write doggerel
And I am one bound for the poetasters hell
I do like good poetry and good poets are rare
Still of my shortcomings I am all too aware.
Old Eddy my critic is much older than I
And one well might say we don’t see eye to eye
But that he lacks in knowledge is no great surprise
As some men grow older but they do not grow wise.

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