From the boiling lake the gray steam rising and mud pools bubbling night and day.
Memories of Nature’s wonders until death with me will stay.
Rotorua the Thermal City lives on in my memory
And it’s a Town I will remember as long as there is life in me
Where the thermal springs are bubbling the smell of sulphur in the air
It must be a healthy place to live in and I am one who could live there.
Far away in green New Zealand there’s a famous thermal town
For it’s bubbling springs and mud pools Rotorua has earned World renown
Night and day the springs are boiling from the bubbles the steam rise
The great powers of Mother Nature never ceases to surprise.
Rotorua in the North island is the most amazing place
With the mysteries of Nature humans there come face to face
Though the secrets and the great powers of Nature we cannot hope to comprehend
Mother Nature who will live forever she is surely without end.
In the park the chaffinch singing near where the springs bubble and boil
In Rotorua in the North Island not been there now for some while
But the memories are still with me and till death with me will remain
Of the town in green New Zealand that I may never see again.

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