Just look at those war ravaged cities reduced to rubble where the big bombs fell
Some of the survivors with horrific injuries these poor people have been through hell.
The refugee camps over crowded with the people with nowhere to go
When they apply to foreign Governments for entry permits the answer they get back is ‘no’
We do not need you in our Country and do not bother to re-apply
In refugee camps they will grow old and in refugee camps they may die.
Their homes destroyed by bombs that missed their target the mother for her dead children grieve
She still feels she is living a nightmare and her misfortune she can scarcely believe,
She is in a refugee camp with thousands of others enduring extreme poverty
A victim like millions of others of crimes against humanity.
We read of the glorious victory and of the brave soldiers who for freedom died
But we seldom hear of the war victims the poor people whose lives are destroyed,
The Stateless of the refugee camps, the poor people who don’t have a home
And the people who destroyed their cities are the people who now them disown.

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