here about a boxing great
For Freddie Mills from Parkstone was a champion he only fought the best men of his time
He took hard punches and he hit back harder and few went the distance with him in his prime.
Freddie Mills when he retired from boxing became a comedy actor for awhile
And he proved to the World he was more than a boxer he was one who made others laugh and smile
So many books have been written about him the glory and the tragedy and the fame
And his end is still shrouded in controversy and his lives on as an immortal name.
He died in sixty five in his forty sixth year but there is still debate on the way he died
Some say that he was a victim of foul play whilst others say he committed suicide
The story of his life was a best seller the Bournemouth legend came up the hard way
In boxing’s golden era a true champion and in boxing annals his name lives today.
His death is still shrouded in controversy and so much about the man written and said
He was a hero back in the late forties and few could hope to match it then with Fred
A colourful character and a renowned ring warrior he did not live on to be old and gray
He only fought the best men of his era and from a challenge he never backed away.

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