Still every time he tells us where he hails from
He has the biggest smile upon his face.
He is referred to as the man from Hugs and Kisses
A mountain Village way up north of here
A Village of one pub and just one milk bar
And the nearest big town not anywhere near.
He left his village in nineteen eighty seven
For the southern city when he had turned nineteen
The wanderlust in his young heart was stirring
And the bigger World out there he had not seen.
A few years back he returned to Hugs and Kisses
To visit his mum and dad who still live there
The week he spent there he said the time it passed so slowly
And he quickly tired of bird song and mountain air.
At the Huggy Pub he said the same old faces
Though they looked older and a bit more gray
He did envy them their sense of belonging
They never dream of places far away.
Jim and his wife Mandy have two young children
And in the big southern town he plans to stay
And he won’t return to live at Hugs and Kisses
The mountain Village many miles away.

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