I’ll not bee seeing you in the life hereafter since you have chosen an eternity in hell
There is no place for one like you in heaven as you are a non believing infidel.
I told him that the Goddess I believe in is all around me and she is one that I see every day
And that she is known to all as Mother Nature and to her I don’t even have to pray
She changes her colours with the passing Seasons and from her we came and to her we will return
The source of life and all of life her children and from her we have so much for to learn.
She is the only God of which I know of and this life hereafter well that’s another thing
I would not want to live in a World where I would never hear the wild birds sing
The God you say is great you cannot see him but Mother Nature all of us can see
Her beauty it is everywhere around us the mountains, plains woods, rivers and the sea.
He said to me you will never see God’s kingdom as you are an infidel and nothing more
And you are one who will suffer forever in Satan’s hell beyond this Earthly shore
But he can have his God and I’ll have my Goddess suppose we all do see things differently
And if we all looked at things in the same way a very boring World it would be.

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