He gave to my daughter a hard life
And she to him was a good wife.
It may seem a callous thing of me to say
That I’m not sorry he’s out of the way
For without him my daughter will survive
And in fact I’d like to think she’ll thrive.
And though I feel her years with him were wasted years
My daughter sheds her grief in tears
To him she was a good wife and a good friend
And she stayed with him right to the end.
Whatever in him did she see
I find it way far beyond me
For to understand the workings of humanity
For they were different as can be.
She said as for myself I’ve been lucky in life
Lucky to be a good man’s wife
But our daughter good of heart and kind
In love and marriage happiness failed to find.
Her feelings she is not afraid to own
When she said the rudest man that I’ve ever known
And I am not sorry no she said
That my ex son in law is dead.

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