Old Rosy she was eighteen years when Jack had to have her put down
She must have been the oldest dog in old Wonthaggi Town.
Her last few months were not the best she was showing the wear of time
And many Seasons had gone by since she was in her prime
A companion to Jack and Rina a loyal and a trusting friend
And to them she remained faithful and devoted until her very end.
Father time had caught up with her she was long past her best
And to spare her further suffering Jack had her put to rest
But it is so hard to say goodbye to a friend for many years
And as he shovelled earth on her he fought to choke his tears.
She was a Pointer Beagle cross and few dogs live to eighteen
And in Loch or Watt or Wenthworth street she’ll never more be seen
And those who live in these three Streets knew Rosy all too well
And each of them about her have their own story to tell.
In Jack’s backyard in Loch Street where she often romped around
Old Rosy our old favourite dog at rest in her home ground
Perhaps Wonthaggi’s oldest dog to many she was known
And Rosy in her charming way had a charm all of her own.

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