Because of us they do feel special one step above humanity
But some sportsmen for their bad behaviour seem very ordinary to me.
Against some well known sportsmen serious allegations by young women of rape, assault and battery
If this be so these so called sporting icons as people are quite ordinary
Their behaviour is far from manly these so called small gods of football
We laud them as honorable and noble sporting warriors though they are not honorable at all.
Of course they deny the allegations but pride always comes before a fall
We glorify immoral people some of those we see as big in some ways so small
Women do not make such serious allegatrions without having for it a good cause
We make heroes of some very ordinary people who try to create their own laws.
Some of our heroes are so far from heroes though we look upon them as great
Their behaviour towards women appalling as people they are second rate
Each day there are fresh allegations and scandals in sports nothing new
And that there in never smoke without fire so happens to be very true

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