And next time of those thorns you surely will beware
For a jab from the rose’s defensive weapon needs some tender loving care.
Some people like the rose tree can win you with their guile
And you think that you see a nice person each time you see them smile
But many a known conman has flattered to deceive
And some seemingly nice people not what they want you to believe
The once wealthy divorcee not wealthy anymore
The man she fell in love with lives on a distant shore
He stripped her of her fortune financially she’s broke
She once loved him for his charm and he seemed a lovely bloke.
She is not the only woman that something like this has happened to
For a minority of people to trust remain untrue
Some men woo women with their charm and financially rip them off
And without any remorse later about it they do scoff.
The rose in bloom looks beautiful but her thorns cause blood to flow
And those jabbed by her defensive weapons for it have a nasty wound to show
And the wealthy divorcee’s crooked lover who to her seemed like a rose
His thorns financially bled her and better now she knows.

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