And is there life beyond the grave of death
Or do we die forever when we draw our final breath?
We glorify people on the so called success they achieve
But never on what they stand for or believe
We admire old men who send young men to Lands afar
To risk their lives for their egos in war.
What’s life about I wouldn’t even know
I’ve seen so many Seasons come and go
And I’ve grown older but I’ve not grown wise
I still believe in other peoples lies.
What’s life about why are you asking me?
One who creates his own reality
I am negative and cynical ‘twould seem
And I am one who does no longer dream
Of a peaceful and a better World for all
And compared to some I do feel dwarfed and small
Some see great hope for all of humanity
They live in a far happier World than me.
What’s life about I’m getting old and gray
And one might say I’ve known a better day
And through the darkness light I cannot see
And I’m ensnared by negativity.

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