It should not be up to John Kerry or anyone else for Bush’s damage to repair
For to soothe the anger in Iraq it will take more than prayer.
At the stupidity of Bush’s advisors the wonder only grow
Of the dangers of invading Iraq they did not seem to know
They do not know of the lessons of history for history only say
That the invaded see the invader as a scoundrel and ’tis always been that way.
If John Howard gets re-elected Prime Minister of Australia towards the end of this bleak year
For his opponent Mark Latham I will not shed a tear
And though Latham is not responsible for Howard’s shabby treatment of refugees
He never speak on their behalf in case the redneck voters he does displease.
Howard is such a shifty character as many have come to realize
But that he may be re-elected as Australia’s Prime Minister
comes as no great surprise
For voters do make the worst choices and their mistakes they repeat
And foul or fair in politics any victory is sweet.
And though victory at the ballot box for men of war for World peace is not good news
I won’t be contemplating suicide if Kerry and Latham lose
One can only think how very sad and say with some regret
That the men of war have won again though they give us fear and death.

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