The sheep they are bleating the cattle are lowing
Though at this time of year natural growth it is slowing.
In a high roadside paddock alpacas I see
Quite valuable animals I counted just three
Their Land of origin is South America of the camel family
To look at they seem quite attractive to me.
A small herd of Scottish highland cattle quite hairy and brown
The bull by the paddock fence marched up and down
He bellowed to the friesian bull two paddocks away who to him bellowed back
Though each other they never may get to attack.
Though in Glen Alvie’s high country trees are very rare
Just a few scattered through the hilly paddocks here and there
The views are breathtaking good as one might see anywhere
For scenic beauty few places with it can hope to compare.
A twenty minute drive from Wonthaggi the nearest big Town
The narrow road through Glen Alvie it winds up and down
So green in the Spring and so brown in the fall
And it’s natural beauty I love to recall.

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