The ruthless Reaper he claims everybody though to egalatarianism he is a true friend
He is the one who makes us all equal and we all come to nothing in the end.
You hear them say he or she has left their mark that their legacy outlived them and lives on
But it won’t matter to you if you are feted or forgotten if the breath of life from you is forever gone
Thus let me live as one of no importance and let me die forgotten and unknown
The need for recognition and approval are feelings I have seemingly outgrown.
I am tired of people who are into self promotion their conversations to themselves only lead
They crave for to be the centre of attention for fame and glory they have this great need
Their swollen egos are over inflated and their value they over-estimate
Such people I don’t waste much precious time with I leave them to tell some one else that they are great.
From the moment we are born life is a battle before we walk we have to learn to crawl
But even for the most famed high achievers success in life doesn’t come to much at all
So don’t talk to me of your life I’m not interested I’ve already met a few like you today
Narcissistic people I grow quickly tired of from themselves their conversation seldom stray.

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