As we know there are plenty people who only try to keep you down
Since you don’t live in the leafy Suburb you live in the wrong side of Town.
There are only two kinds of people the haves and the have nots and to the latter you belong
But you make the most of your chances since others they have proved them wrong
Remember you came up the hard way and you know what the hard life’s about
You have it in you for to be successful though others your true worth may doubt.
We know it won’t be easy for you handicapped by tour postal address
But even thus far you have come a long way on your uphill climb to success
You show them you are not a quitter for you success will be more sweet
You know how it feels to be hungry you were raised on Poverty Street.
They look upon you as a failure they don’t expect you to succeed
But where you live to be a survivor you have to be of hardy breed
Prove to them you are not a quitter keep on climbing the success hill
You have it in you for to succeed since you have the drive and the will.

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