My younger years they went so quickly ’tis said time for none does wait
And death for everyone of us it is a certain fate.
We all belong to Nature and we’ll return to her one day
She is the Goddess of the World despite what some might say
She changes with the Seasons her Winter hills of snow
Her rivers from the high country to her great oceans flow.
The lushness of her greenery when her birds nest and sing
In woods and groves and hedgerows in the warm days of the Spring
She feeds the World’s people and in drought ravaged Lands where her crops fail
People die in their thousands she leaves a deathly trail.
We all belong to Nature but the young should be made aware
That if they treat Nature kindly to them she will be fair
For global warming is a threat to all of human kind
And pollution from the factories is spreading in the wind.
The children belong to the future so raise the children well
And teach them about Nature’s ways of which there’s much to tell
For we all belong to Nature despite what some might say
And to her earthy bosom we will return one day.

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