The chaffinch sing on the leafy hedgerow and on the ditch of the bohreen
The wildflowers in the sunshine blooming and everywhere lovely and green.
I fancy that I see her smiling she had such a beautiful smile
The beautiful Rose of Duhallow young and lovely and free of guile
In her prime in her early twenties and I a Primary school going boy
Such memories one love to hang on to for to visualize and to enjoy.
The beautiful Rose of Duhallow the wanderlust took her away
From the bog road and her parents cottage I wonder where she is today
She now would be in her late sixties a grandmother she well may be
More than four decades ago in her prime years there was none so lovely as she.
On the bog road I fancy I see her on a Summer evening in July
The skylark above the coarse meadow is carolling in the sunny sky
And she young and lovely and bubbly her mood matched the bright Summer’s day
And her I will always remember such memories do not fade away.

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