The right wing Government they are anti worker and thanks to them Australia has a working poor
We will help the wealthy at the expense of the battlers for poverty that is their cure,
The Unions by an autocratic Government are weakened ’tis illegal for workers to strike
They must put up with bad working conditions their boss says to them if your contract you do not like
You are free to leave but remember you will not receive severance pay
Thanks to the Government the bosses hold all of the aces they have things all of their own way,
The right wing Government may legislate themselves out of office for them there will be a judgement day
On the next Federal Election the workers they will have their say
They can help for to vote out the incumbents what goes around comes around seems true
And they will give the Government their karma the karma they are overdue
And though the Unions they may be down they are not out they will get up off of the floor
For the Trade Unions are great survivors they have been down and not out before.

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