Eighty years of living is enough for anyone and though the soul lives on some say
The body it is quick to age and quicker to decay.
Everything in life does not go to plan many must lose for one to win
But to be seen as successful and a cheat seems a far greater sin
Than to never know success at all yet live in the honest way
The karma that we sow through life we have to reap one day.
Everything in life does not go to plan and that applies to us all
We all came from a woman’s womb and before we learned to walk we had to crawl
The longer we live the sooner we die the clock on our lives ticks on
The body is quick to decay when the life from it is gone.
everything in life does not go to plan though we may plan ahead
We cannot choose our life’s destiny or so it has been said
Our life journey takes us on different roads and every life’s journey has an end
And ’tis not hard to make an enemy and not everyone is your friend.
That everything in life does not go to plan to everyone apply
And success as such will not come to you if for it you never try
And though we have in us the power of choice it would appear to me
That we cannot alter in any way the course of our life’s destiny.

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