And though little of Nature’s ways I seem to know
Her beauty surrounds me where-ever I go.
The wonders of Nature is a marvellous thing
There’s more to the bird than the song that he sing
And there’s more to the animal than meets the eye
And learning of Nature is a thing I enjoy.
The songbird who whistles and sings on a tree
Does not waste his energy on singing for me
In his song his territory he does define
He sings out to others of his borderline.
Of Nature’s great beauty we all seem aware
Though her secrets with humans she never will share
In the vastness of Nature we are like grains of sand
And her ways we are not born to understand.
I feel grateful for all of the beauty I’ve seen
The colours of Nature the brown and the green
And though little about her I do seem to know
Her beauty surrounds me where-ever I go.

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