Some things from the past with us do seem to stay
And i fancy i can hear him singing today.
The little brown dunnock with the thin slender bill
He sang in the hedge by the babbling rill
That flow to the river that to the sea flow
Though hidden in foilage his song i did know.
It has been awhile now since i heard the corncrake
In the meadows of July just after daybreak
But due to early grass cutting from the Countryside i lived in they did disappear
And the voice i once loved i no longer did hear.
Their nests and eggs by the grass cutting machines were destroyed
And their voices i loved in the old meadows died
And though a thing of great beauty for ever was gone
The Seasons kept changing and life it went on.
It has been some while or so it does seem
Since i heard the dipper singing in the stream
The dark brown river bird with breast as white as snow
Around the rock he sang on bright waters did flow.
It has been awhile since i was a schoolboy
And learning of Nature i used to enjoy
And only the memories with me now remain
When in fancy i visit the old fields again.

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