And he feels quite helpless to help her since she has not been well for awhile
What reason has he to feel happy and what reason has he for to smile?
It must be hard when you love someone to see that person sick night and day
And little you can do to help out you do feel powerless in some way
The doctors cannot make her better her sort of condition is rare
When one you love is always sickly it must be a heavy cross to bear.
He does not go to watch his favourite football team play he has to stay home with his wife
He feels physically well but sad for him her illness a cross in his life
But he is a loyal sort of a fellow and sacrifices for her he does make
He hopes and prays she will get better and his hobbies for her he forsake.
He used to be a happy person but his wife’s illness is getting him down
He thinks of the bright happy evenings when they walked hand in hand in the Town
But now that she is confined to her bed he feels very helples and sad
The doctors they cannot seem to help her and the news on her does seem all bad.

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