And only the songs of magpies and the bleatings of sheep one hear
In a place where so few people live and the nearest big town not near.
Above the dry brown paddocks in the calm morning sky
The dark winged welcome swallows are singing as they fly
When swallows fly close to the ground a sign of rain some say
The winged insects they live on fly near to the ground when rain is on the way.
Out there in the dry country far from the nearest big town
Between the volcanic rocks and stones the grass at most times brown
Except after heavy rainfall when some green does appear
It is a dry brown country for ten months of the year.
Out there in the dry country on a branch of sapling tree
The flycatcher willy wagtail sings his scratchy melody
For to protect his borders ’tis said that he does sing
Out there in the dry country six days from the first of Spring.

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