Some of them i did not get on with we did look at life differently
But like my friends them i remember and like my friends they remain in my memory,
Some of them are in or near the Hometown and some of them from there live quite far away
And some of them in different cemeteries at peace with the World now lay
But them i will always remember and them i will never forget
And though the past it is now gone forever the past i do never regret,
Some of them live distant from Ireland from their old homes in North Cork
In Cities such as Christchurch and Melbourne and Sydney and London, Paris and New York
They went to seek their fortunes elsewhere and said their goodbyes to the hill
And like me in their wild flights of fancy they hear the dipper in the rill
That babbles on down through the high field to the river that flows to the sea
And Nature she lives on forever and a true immortal is she.

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