At least they should be forced for to bury the cable than sacrifice such a beautiful view
You Millstreet people who love Clara to save it’s beauty is up to you.
Long before there was a Duhallow and long before there was Millstreet Town
Upon the old beautiful country the old hill looked lovingly down
Without any ugly poles on it for progress the price big to pay
On putting poles on Clara mountain the E S B should not have their way.
Long before the mountain was named Clara it was the hill without a name
That humans should spoil it’s wild beauty does seem such a terrible shame
With ugly poles dotting it’s landscape the old hill will not look the same
Tis now up to the Millstreet Community on this one they should not blow tame.
Tis up to you people of Millstreet it is of you we want to feel proud
If you can save Clara’s wild beauty your praises we will sing so loud
The fight for to save Clara’s beauty is only about to begin
You get in there and you start fighting for the fight it is your’s for to win.
Such sad news to read about Clara it seems such an awful disgrace
That bureaucracy at it’s ugliest is about to pockmark that beautiful face
Tis up to the people of Millstreet for to save the beauty of their hill
And they can be successful on this one if for the fight they have the will.

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