Her name was Kamalelehua
and she wore flowers in her hair.
He had not realised that tidal pools
attracted nudity, here on Oahu.
And when her hubby came late in the day,
he wore the emperor’s great foolishness.
He talked about his job in small investments,
those stocks and bonds and profitable shares.
That’s when they hatched the plan for the big heist,
only a rich man could afford a girl like her.
He was the driver in the battered Audi Fox,
just waiting at the curb, outside the bank.
Hubby was caught and placed inside Oahu Jail,
the car was later found at Northern Beach.
His precious Kamelelehua may not wait.
And they agreed that fifteen years ain’t within reason.
Today they wear some clothes at Pupukea,
it’s better for the kids and for the world.
He’s getting out next week, so says the local rag.
They’ll miss this place but Fairbanks does sound great.

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