Have some Valpolicella
(he’s a jolly good fella)
here is something his mother would bake.
It’s a small, rather good-tasting present,
much desired by Pope and by peasant.
when it reaches your lips
it’s a heartbeat that skips
then the taste buds will rate it as pleasant.
May we thank you and put a request
since the world is undoubtedly blessed
with your skills and your care
so it wouldn’t be fair
to retire from work, for a rest.
Well, to tell you the truth I did check,
craned my cervicals up in the neck,
had to see if you fidget
or have tremulous digits
also whether you’re up on the tech.
In conclusion, I must now concede
that in Gwendolyn’s hour of need,
we were pretty hard-pressed
to discover the best
but we did, what a pleasure indeed!
As a writer it does make me wonder,
mulling over it all, I still ponder
all my instincts suggest
that you’re kin to the Guest
you know, Albert, the one who’s gone yonder.
Have a wonderful Christmas, you all,
it’s the season for love to enthrall
all the humans on earth
as they think of His birth
in the manger back then, in the stall.
As you may know, limericks tend to take on
a life of their own and must be read while standing and
without wearing glasses, regardless of presbyopia
or similar afflictions.
This was written on behalf of, and with the cooperation of
the patient’s family, as depicted above.
Some considerable credit must go to Conrad.

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