clear signals to the world around
in kinesthetic and in sound.
The aim of course, must be to harm,
cause in society alarm.
The perpetrator points to traits
and -using words- he slyly baits
his fellow citizens so that
they’ll don their prejudicial hat.
No question that bad mouthing can
do damage to the average man.
Consensus though is hard to reach
and even scholars, those who teach
are in a quandary to define
exactly where to draw the line.
Just as important, it is true
is what racism means to you.
Let’s state that you would seek as mates
tall people from the Northern states
or folks of alabaster skin?
And that you treasure next of skin
who educate themselves and slave
from cradle right into the grave.
Or that your touchy nose will sneeze
at odours that remind of cheese,
say, all the citizens of Rome
use brushes, razors but no comb,
that Inuits stew every night
in their own sweat and think it right,
to offer to a guest their wives?
Must we condemn their wayward lives?
Ah, Savages, a fertile matter
a gender issue, when to batter
is not a question to arise,
for man is lazy, strong and wise.
All Germans, generations back
(though none were Savages or black)
would beat the living smithereens
out of their toddlers and their teens.
By saying this I’m judged by some
who tend to be, well….challenged, dumb
and ignorant of clever thinking;
they go around their colleagues winking
and pointing fingers at those humans
who stand erect and whose bright lumens
throw light upon the differences
that we observe with our senses.
And while they may be unaware
of what is proper, true and fair,
they have what we must call intent
to foist a vile predicament
upon the few who seem to differ
by using their perverted sniffer
to seek them out and then condemn
and spit them skyward like green phlegm.
I am convinced that you can see
that some are born in misery
and that there are but two main groups
(surrounded by their moron troops) :
the ones who parrot what they hear,
the others will instill plain fear
in order to incite a hate
which may just soothe their envy state.
Equipped with mediocre parts,
not up to science, even arts,
he sets his sights on tearing down
and he is called the RACIST CLOWN.

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