To know that today…
Has more purpose than yesterday.
Right now,
In this moment.
Let us be in ‘it’ without delay!
Where is the opportunity
To say what was ‘is’ done?
Nothing gained is more rewarding…
Than to know something fresh has begun!
Beating dead horses and riding slow turtles,
To make a point that will never be won!
Doesn’t do a thing when slinging aged mud…
To accomplish an understanding,
Let us leave it alone…
Like we should!
Where is the opportunity
To let what ‘was’ go?
To know that today…
Has more purpose than yesterday.
Right now,
In this moment.
Let us be in ‘it’ without delay!
Right now,
In this moment…
Help me help us,
Find something good to do and say!
You must be tired,
Like I know I am…
To discover in review,
Nothing ‘fresh’ or new to be pursued!
And reliving past emotions feed,
A time that is not returning…
We should leave as is and let it be!

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