You had increased difficulty…
Dealing with reality last year?
Excellent. Excellent.
The numbers are dwindling.
By a show of hands…
How many believed that having good credit,
Meant spending like there was no tomorrow?
I see!
We have some reluctant participants in the audience!
Did any of you think…
You were better off than those who could ‘not’ get credit?
AND bragged about the number of credit cards you had…
AND have maxed them to their limits?
Please…no crying!
Will someone pass tissue,
To those sobbing loudly in the back row!
I have a surprise for all of you!
Please escort them in!
These people,
Ladies and gentlemen.
Are the very same people you had no problems laughing at…
Just ‘months’ ago!
See those smiles upon their faces?
In this seminar,
They are willing to prepare beans and franks.
AND lend you their can openers…
For one week to anyone of you,
Who agrees to clean their apartments.
By a show of hands…
How many wish to take them up on their offer?
Settle down. Settle down.
We will sign up as many of you as possible.
No need to rush them.
They have been known to be a patient group of people!

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