The sun is not too warm seems perfect to me
And the songbirds are singing on bush hedge and tree.
The song of the magpie lark pleasant to hear
He sings all day long at this time of the year
‘Tis said that birdsong is a territorial thing
And they always save their finest songs for the Spring.
A morning in mid October ’tis a beautiful day
The type of weather that is prayed for by those who like to pray
The rosellas are chirping on the trees nearby
And such beautiful weather one ought to enjoy.
On the Nature strip by the roadway yellow flowers on the broom
And in the sunlit paddock wildflowers are in bloom
The beauty of Nature one can only admire
And of singing her praises I never could tire.
The blue and the gray clouds of the sunlit sky
And the miners and wattlebirds sing as they fly
Across the green parkland from flowering bush to tree
On a beautiful morning that seems perfect to me

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