Confident exchange of hearts by physical contacts between souls
Definitely takes one out of the mess to a state of transcendence!
Every attempt in a job of risk surely leads to many a down fall;
Failure is the stepping stone to success inspired by love ever;
Guarding oneself against all discomforting negatives solves all;
High hill is difficult to trek, but peak is top point of victory!
Involving oneself with whole heart, even a mountain can be moved;
Just by a matter of fact way, if task is dealt with, it’s enough;
Keeping steady pace while moving ahead, one gets confidence needed;
Looking ahead the flag post, surely will make the task as nothing!
Miles of journey in an adventure increases the hope to see the goal;
Nearing the point of goal it’s by the swift stroke of leg, goal is put;
Open game victory is so ever achieved before the audience applause;
Perfect finish of game with the last goal, victory is decided sure!
Queries, questions will be pricking one’s heart and mind in mission;
Restoring one’s poise by the great cause of mission confidence is kept up;
Sustained efforts in a steady state, one goes ahead of each hurdle;
Target once reached, it’s the custom to hoist flag of victory ever!
United efforts of all in a team make difficult task easy to do sure;
Victory and defeat are part and parcel of sports and wars in the world;
Winning by sincere efforts, real joy is felt in world life after trials!
x and Y then only are known to the world as remarkable champions to all;
Yearnings of all give joy only by making clever moves to the right spot;
Zeroing all attention focused to central point, sure success is achieved!

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