But no one has confided in them yet…
That those selected for defamations,
Have been, in fact, themselves!
Invited to all of the soirées.
And came dressed to impress,
I might add!
They should be just about discovering that…
Among those,
They are…
Proud professional social climbers!
And how do they become less exposed?
That is difficult to determine.
The look of shock seems to be permanently fixed,
On their faces.
‘Excuse me…
Were you intending to use something against me?
Isn’t that you?
Standing over there…
During this taping conducted,
By your small gathering of friends?
Who happen to be my employees!
Why do you look so surprised?
Didn’t they tell you they work for me?
We have known each other for years.
Far more than I can count!
Are you perfoming acts of sodom…
In those videos?
And dancing with the others butt naked?
Was this an official or unofficial celebration?
Isn’t it?
There is an assortment of activities to suit your fancy!
And stop staring.
I’m not ‘that’ goodlooking! ‘

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